Feminist Judgment Projects: Ireland & Northern Ireland
The Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Project writes the ‘missing feminist judgments’ in appellate and first instance decisions which have shaped Irish and Northern Irish law. A collective of academics and practitioners have rewritten 26 decisions across a range of substantive areas of law, with each judgment accompanied by a commentary explaining the original decision and its social context. The judgments were published in Máiréad Enright, Julie McCandless and Aoife O’Donoghue, Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges’ Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity (Hart Publishing, 2017).
Available Extracts:
Julie McCandless, Máiréad Enright and Aoife O’Donoghue, ‘Introduction: Troubling Judgment’ (LSE Working Paper, forthcoming version of introduction published by Hart)
Marian Duggan and Julie McCandless, ‘“Right Thinking People” and Suffering Through the Politics of Difference in Northern Ireland: A Feminist Judgment’ (judgment and commentary in pre-published version of chapter)
Ruth Fletcher, ‘Attorney General v X and others: An Imagined Feminist Judgment’ (pre-published version of chapter)
Liam Thornton, ‘MhicMathúna v Ireland’ (pre-published version of chapter)
Catherine O’Rourke, ‘In the Matter of an Application by Evelyn White for Judicial Review’ [2000] NI 432, [2004] NICA 1’ pre-published version of chapter)
C R G Murray, ‘Feminist Judgment: E v Chief Constable of Ulster [2008] UKHL 66’
Sara Ramshaw, ‘Commentary on Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety’ pre-published version of chapter)
Joanne Conaghan and Fergus Ryan, ‘McKinley v Minister for Defence’ (prepublished version of chapter)
At the launch of the book (25 March 2017, Dublin) Noelle Brown read an extract from a feminist judgment in the book: Vicky Conway, ‘The Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the “Kerry Babies Case”’
Vicky Conway, ‘Kerry Babies: Tribunal report was Controversial, Divisive, and Raised More Questions than Answers’, Irish Examiner (online) 18 January 2018
‘Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments – Re-Imagining Court Decisions’ on University of Toronto, reprohealthlaw blog (26 May 2017)
Justice Aileen Donnelly [2017] 1 Irish Judicial Studies Journal 90
Rebecca Anderson, ‘In Conversation with the Law: Exploring the Northern/Irish Feminist Judgements Project’ on Impakter, 28 July 2016
Kcasey McLoughlin (2018) 43(2) Alternative Law Journal 146
Maureen O’Sullivan (2017) 58 Irish Jurist 202
Bartholomew Begley (2018) May/June Books Ireland 16
Commentary/Other Resources:
Julie McCandless, Máiréad Enright and Aoife O’Donoghue, ‘Northern Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges’ Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity in Northern/Irish Courts’ (LSE Law Policy Briefing 17, 2016)
·Aoife O’Donoghue, Máiréad Enright and Julie McCandless, ‘Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Project: The Gendered Politics of Identity in Irish and Northern Irish Courts’ (Durham University, Law School Research Briefing No 21, 2015)
Dr Aoife O’Donogue discusses the Project in this video.
Susan Barry, ‘Feminist Judgements: Amending History’, University Observer (online) 7 December 2015